jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Turbina Eólica hecha en Casa (Homebrew 10' Wind Turbine construction)


This page serves as an index of pages that detail how we build a 10' diameter wind turbine. The machine is of a simple design, largely based on Hugh Piggott's designs. It features and axial flux 3 phase alternator. It should be fairly efficient in low winds (producing perhaps in the ballpark of 100 watts in low 10mph winds) and it should produce around 700 watts in winds of 25mph, at which time the machine should begin to furl. Peak power we see from this machine is about twice that (1500 watts) although I don't believe the alternator can withstand that for long. It makes for a nice, quiet low wind machine. Below are links to different stages of the project.

Esta página sirve de indice para las páginas que muestran en detalle como construir una turbina eólica de 10 pies de diámetro. La máquina tiene un diseño simple basado en las ideas de Hug Piggott. Tiene un generador de flujo axial trifásico. Presenta alta eficiencia en vientos de baja velocidad (generando cerca de 100 wattios con vientos de 10 milas por hora- 15 Km/h) y para mayores velocidades aumenta la potencia entregada ( cerca de 700 wattios con vientos de 25 mph).

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